Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sleepless in Skagit Valley

Since we've gotten back from my parents' house over the Fourth of July weekend, Jack has been a terrible sleeper. While we were there, he woke up several times during the night, but I just figured it was because we were away from home. Boy, was I looking forward to coming back home!

A lot of good it did me! He's still waking up every few hours for no apparent reason. He doesn't want to eat; he just wants to socialize a little. 

It may be my punishment for bragging, umm...I mean, saying that he was sleeping six to seven hours a night. Aaarrggghhh! I don't know what I'm going to do.

Of course, he's sleeping now. You know, at 10:30 in the morning. This is not working for me.


Sarah said...

Stinkin' babies anyhow!

Don't they get that we need 8-10 hours of sleep to be functional, happy mamas?!

Mine sure doesn't get it.

Good thing they're cute.

Jennilyn said...

Giordi, Hey I found your blog! Your little boy is so cute! I know that sleep stuff is enough to bug you. My baby is 22 months and I was just thinking how nice it is to finally be getting a whole nights rest without any kid waking me up. Well I said that and the last two nights he started waking up again! It doesn't get better either when the get into a big bed then they can come get you. Cooper wakes up alot at 6 and is ready to go for the day. I like it when you can leave them in the crib for 20 more min. and then go get them. Having kids and getting your sleep is the hardest sacrifice i think. Well glad i get to keep in touch with you now!!!

Sarah said...

Just reminding you it's been awhile since ya can post now. :)